HCG “Human Chorionic Gonadotropin”
HCG is a hormone present in both men and women. It has been found to be produced in great amounts in the placenta of pregnant females to aid in the control of vital metabolic functions. In non-pregnant women, and males, on-going research is suggesting that HCG increases metabolism similar to a pregnant female by helping the body release calories stored in fat.
History of HCG Use for Weight Loss
The use of HCG for the medical management of obesity is based on the extensive research completed in 1954 by world-renowed physician Dr. A.T.W. Simeons. Dr. Simeon had a large clinic in Rome Italy where people from around the world would come to go on his diet and lose weight. His diet and his work are discussed in his book “Pounds and Inches.”
Dr. Simeons studied extensively and found that in addition to a specific diet, HCG can help safely speed up weight loss. HCG is believed to break down your abnormal body fat, causing you to lose inches. At the same time, it protects your body’s good fat and muscle from depleting. That means that you can go on a low calorie food plan and lose weight without the typical problems such as muscle loss and sagging skin.
HCG is FDA approved for treatments other than that for weight management, and is therefore used Off-Label. Extensive research is on-going around the world with favorable findings.
Start your HCG weight loss journey today!
HCG Today
Today, Dr. Adelman continues using the diet to help people lose weight in a safe and effective manner. The concept of the program is based on the power of HCG to change a person’s metabolism. HCG is the pregnancy hormone and when present in the body, it controls many metabolic functions of the body. Combined with a 500 – 750 calories a day diet, HCG can force your body to utilize the stored fat in your body, thus losing weight rather rapidly.
There are many HCG Diets on the market today. Some give you support and good advice, while others just try to sell you HCG and that’s about it. HCG is a prescription drug that must be prescribed by a physician to be legal. HCG preparations purchased off the internet and without a doctor’s prescription may not contain much HCG. In fact, some are homeopathic and contain very little HCG.
If one wants to do the program, they should see a physician who is knowledgeable about HCG, can follow and monitor the patient regularly, can write a prescription for HCG, and follows an HCG Diet program protocol that works. There are many changes that occur within your body when your eat only 500 – 750 calories a day. You need to know the correct types of foods that you can eat and the correct way to do the program. Proper monitoring to prevent potential problems associated with such a low calorie diet is essential for ensuring your safety.
HCG changes the way your body metabolizes your food. When your body senses the HCG, it thinks that it’s “pregnant.” If you only eat 500 – 750 calories a day, your body will pull the calories your body needs from your fat cells, bringing them into your blood so you can “feed the baby”. But there’s no baby, so you get to use those calories and you feel fine, have energy and your appetite decreases too.
Most people can lose on average around 20 – 40 pounds on a round of the diet program. Most programs show success, but the best ones show not only short term weight loss, but also incorporate lifestyle changes for long term weight maintenance. With Dr. Adelman, you get medical supervision, you lose weight safely, you feel fine, and you look great.